Third “Afterwork with Srića”

NEWS > Third “Afterwork with Srića”

Hey everyone! We had another amazing event at SSBM Geneva, Zagreb campus yesterday! Dr. Velimir Srića gave an insightful and thought-provoking lecture on “How to encourage creativity and create innovations”.

It was wonderful to have dr. Velimir Srića with us again, and he didn’t disappoint! He shared some valuable insights and practical tips on how to stimulate creativity and innovation. We’re excited to see how our students will apply these concepts in their personal and professional lives.

Thank you to all the attendees who joined us, and a special thanks to Velimir Srića for his contribution to our community. Let’s continue to strive for innovation and creativity in all areas of our lives!

We’re excited to announce our next event at SSBM Geneva, Zagreb campus, which will be held on May 11th! Velimir Srića will be back with another insightful lecture on “Improvement of interpersonal relations in companies”. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to learn from a seasoned expert and network with other like-minded individual.