Sustainability Call for Papers- Global Journal of Business and Integral Security (GBIS)
Dear Colleagues, all SSBM Geneva Stakeholders,
On behalf of SSBM Geneva’s “Global Journal of Business and Integral Security” GBIS Editorial team, we are pleased to announce a special issue on SUSTAINABILITY.
You are invited to submit full-texts via the GBIS journal through the following link.
We accept all types of articles like original research papers, opinions, case studies, reviews and book reviews. For additional information about the mandatory propositions of each article type please see the GBIS Author Guidelines.
The deadline for manuscript submission is April 1, 2022.
All manuscripts will undergo meaningful peer review according to standard GBIS procedure and policy.
We believe that your contributed article will be interesting and valuable to all of our readers.

Looking forward to your response,
GBIS Editorial Team
„For organisations to become truly sustainable we believe it is essential to create a new organisation model: a more coopeartive leader, a new way for people to cooperate inside the organisation and a new way for organisations to be measured by society“– Miguel Reyndols Brandao
„We have to make sustainable living convinient, sustainable business profitable and sustainable change fashionable“– Wayne Visser
„We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we creadted them“– Albert Einstein
„We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children“– Native American Proverb