Student Perspective on SSBM Geneva’s Distinctive MBA Experience!

Blog > Student Perspective on SSBM Geneva’s Distinctive MBA Experience!
Student Testimonials SSBM Geneva MBA Program

Can you tell us what factors influenced your decision to pursue an MBA at Swiss School of Business and Management Geneva?

Of course, first and foremost, the MBA program comprehensive overview during the presentation last year left a lasting impact on me. I was particularly attracted to the program’s focus on developing critical business skills, which I believe are essential for my professional growth. And the school’s reputation for academic excellence, practical training further strengthened my decision. Also, hearing positive feedback from other students, alumni about their experiences at SSBM Geneva inspired me, made me confident in my choice.

What are, in your opinion, the benefits of studying MBA at Geneva Campus rather than studying Online?

While both options offer unique advantages, studying at the Geneva Campus provides valuable benefits. It is the opportunity for face-to-face interaction with professors and one’s fellow classmates for a dynamic learning environment, allowing for engaging discussions, networking opportunities. And the cultural immersion, exposure to diverse perspectives enrich the educational journey, preparing us, students, for global business environments.

Also, it offers access to a wide range of campus resources. And the extracurricular activities availability (workshops, seminars, networking events, etc) provides valuable opportunities for personal, professional development outside of the classroom. The hands-on learning experiences, such as case studies, simulations allow students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world business scenarios, thereby enriching our practical skills, readiness for the workforce.

Can you share any highlights or memorable experiences from your time in the MBA program so far?

One highlight from my time in the MBA program is the joy of gaining competence in various business areas and exploring new interests. Another memorable experience was successfully collaborating with my groupmates on the project that was recognized as the best in the class. Also, the satisfaction of mastering challenging subjects and realizing their potential impact on my future career has been extremely rewarding. And the opportunity to interact with groupmates from diverse backgrounds, share experiences has been unforgettable. Also, participating in extracurricular activities has left me with pleasant, valuable memories and new acquaintances.

In what ways do you think the MBA program at SSBM Geneva distinguishes itself from other MBA programs?

The MBA program at SSBM Geneva is really special for me. I haven’t studied in other business schools, so I can’t compare, but I’m super happy to have this chance to study with a scholarship at such an awesome school.

This program stands out from other programs due to its flexible learning format, experienced faculty, diverse specializations, international focus and strong career support. Whether a person is looking to advance their current career or make a complete switch, SSBM Geneva can provide this person with the skills, knowledge we need to succeed.

Here we are helped to prepare for real work situations. And thanks to a variety of interesting events, we learn from others and have fun. And the school actively encourages new ideas, which I think is very important in the modern world. So yeah, I’m really lucky to be here and learn from such great teachers!

Would you recommend the program to others who are looking to pursue an MBA program?

Absolutely! Having experienced the SSBM Geneva MBA program firsthand, I highly recommend it to anyone seeking a high-quality education and transformative learning experience. The program helped me build confidence in my abilities and potential. The courses, especially the Digital Transformation course, helped me discover my passion for staying ahead in the ever-evolving business landscape.

Practical focus, international environment, supportive community have equipped me with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to succeed in the field I’ve chosen to pursue – whether it’s SMM or exploring new opportunities.

The faculty and staff are always available to help and answer any questions.

If you are looking to gain valuable MBA degree, develop in-demand business skills, network with professionals from diverse backgrounds SSBM Geneva is an excellent choice!