Technical University in Gabrovo is a prominent academic and research center, that provides high-quality training in accordance with the needs of the labor market for modern, broad-profile diplomas, as well as modern master’s degrees and doctorates in the field of engineering and technology, business and social sciences.
The aim of the visit was to acquire new knowledge and skills, important for professional development in the field of higher education, exchange of good practices with colleagues from other countries, strengthen existing and create new partnerships.
Gal Oberhofer Dimitrijevic, MSc., MBA and Marga Hajdin, mag. soc., presented the programmes of the College of Occupational Safety and Health to students and professors and held lectures at the Department of Electrical Engineering Fundamentals and Energy at the Technical University.
The Department of Electrical Engineering Fundamentals and Power Engineering is one of the first academic units of the Technical University in Gabrovo. It was founded back in 1964 under the name “Theoretical, measuring and general electrical engineering”. In 1971, the Department narrowed its specialization and thus a new Department of Electrical Machines and Equipment was founded, which was renamed in 1984 to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Energy Fundamentals.
In addition to the interesting lectures and discussions, the University offered an opportunity to visit its numerous training laboratories. The training laboratories offer an insight into exercises from basic courses such as: “Theory of electrical engineering”, “Electrical engineering”, “Electrical measurements”, “Electrical materials”, “High voltage technology”, “Electrical networks and systems”, and ” Safety engineering at work”. We would like to thank the Technical University in Gabrovo for the warm welcome!