Swiss School of Business and Management Geneva Acquires College of Occupational Safety and Health

SSBM Geneva is proud to announce the acquisition of the College of Occupational Safety and Health (
Accredited Bachelor and Master Programs in Environmental Health and Safety
College of Occupational Safety and Health is an accredited higher education institution in the Republic of Croatia that is part of the European Union. The college offers accredited Bachelor and Master programs in Environmental Health and Safety and it has a tradition of educating safety engineers since 1962.
Over 4.000 students have graduated from the college to become some of the leading experts in the field of corporate and integral security.
Essential Milestone in SSBM Geneva’s Strategy
“This is an important milestone in SSBM Geneva’s strategy in incorporating Health and Safety programs into our educational offering as there is a perfect synergy with what we do, being experts in business education, and the integral and corporate security needs for education” mentioned by Ivana Nobilo, PhD, Head of SSBM Geneva campus.
SSBM Geneva is excited to welcome new students from the College of Occupational Safety and Health that will join SSBM Geneva’s student body that comes from 72 different countries.