Season’s Greetings from SSBM Geneva! Students and Faculty Come Together for Joyful End-of-Year Gathering

NEWS > Season’s Greetings from SSBM Geneva! Students and Faculty Come Together for Joyful End-of-Year Gathering

The Swiss School of Business and Management (SSBM) in Geneva came alive with laughter and cheer as students and faculty gathered to celebrate the end of the year. The Geneva campus played host to a joyous event that brought together the SSBM community in a festive atmosphere.

The event provided a unique opportunity for the SSBM community to unwind, socialize, and strengthen the bonds that make the institution a close-knit academic family.

The gathering served as a reminder of the vibrant community that thrives within the walls of the Swiss School of Business and Management, fostering a sense of unity and shared accomplishment.

With the conclusion of this heartwarming celebration, the SSBM community looks forward to the upcoming academic year with renewed energy and a collective spirit of optimism.