Adina Grecu

“C’est une expérience formidable et j’apprécie vraiment cette chance que j’ai reçue d’étudier à la SSBM Geneva, l’une des 10 meilleures écoles de commerce européennes proposant des MBA en ligne”.

Adina Grecu, Responsable du marketing numérique et en ligne, Suisse

LinkedIn Profil


Adina Grecu

Overall, it is a great experience and I truly appreciate this chance that I have received, to study at SSBM Geneva, one of the top 10 European Business Schools offering online MBAs.

“It is a great experience and I truly appreciate this chance that I have received, to study at SSBM Geneva, one of the top 10 European Business Schools offering online MBAs”.
Adina Grecu, Head of Digital & Online Marketing , Switzerland

LinkedIn Profile


Adina Grecu

Overall, it is a great experience and I truly appreciate this chance that I have received, to study at SSBM Geneva, one of the top 10 European Business Schools offering online MBAs.