International Conference on Business and Integral Security 2024





139 EUR

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IBIS 2024 - International Conference on Business and Integral Security

The aim of International Conference on Business and Integral Security –  IBIS conference is to form an inclusive meeting place for people in the management and integral security fields to discuss fundamental and innovative issues related to different business aspects in general.
The IBIS conference annually brings together researchers and practitioners from all over the world and from diverse cultures or backgrounds.
Our end goal is provide a meaningful contribution to the academic and scientific community by sharing knowledge and insights through an innovative and interactive online community-building approach.

2024 Conference Theme: Navigating Global Challenges: An Interdisciplinary Framework

The IBIS 2024 theme is all about Navigating Global Challenges: An Interdisciplinary Framework.

The overall objective of the conference is to better understand the complexities and opportunities of global challenges.

The conference will feature lively working sessions, facilitating in-depth discussions on various critical topics. Authors of accepted papers will present their work, which will also be published in the SSBM Geneva E-Proceedings and available on the SSBM Geneva website.

Key themes include Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability, Global Health and Pandemics, Poverty Alleviation and Economic Development, Education and Human Capital, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development, Governance and Political Stability, Food Security and Agriculture, Migration and Refugees, and Ethical Issues in Science and Technology.

This event promises to be an enriching experience for all participants, fostering knowledge exchange and collaboration.

IBIS 2024

When: November 22nd 2024
Time: 9am-5pm
Location: ONLINE

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IBIS 2024 Conference

IBIS 2024 will take place on November 22nd, 2024 from 09am-5pm CET. The conference will be held ONLINE.

IBIS 2024 will bring together researchers from different fields including Information Systems (IS), AI/ML, interdisciplinary fields, Integral Security, Information Security (IS), etc.

IBIS aims at tackling some of the actual challenges related to global challenges that our society is facing in a meaningful way to enable a sharing of our best research, ideas and provide new and important insights that can help to build a better society.



We are excited to announce that IBIS conference is approaching. Be a part of this amazing conference!


Conference details


  • Conference Date: IBIS 2024 will take place on November 22nd, 2024, from 09:00 am to 5:00 pm CET. The conference will be held online.

  • Deadline for Proposals (Posters): By August 15th, 2024, authors should submit a one-to-two-page proposal (poster) for their papers. Proposals should be emailed to with “IBIS2024 Call for Papers” in the subject line.

  • Acceptance of Proposals: By August 30th, 2024, the Committee will make decisions on all proposals submitted. Authors will be contacted regarding the status of their proposals.

  • First Draft Submission: By September 10th, 2024, authors are required to submit a first draft of their completed paper (including an abstract of no more than 200 words) to their assigned Committee member for review and comments.

  • Final Paper Submission: By September 15th, 2024, the completed paper (with a 200-word abstract) must be submitted to the IBIS 2024 Committee. Authors should also prepare a presentation limited to 15 minutes in length.

  • Notification of Acceptance: By September 15th, 2024, authors will be notified about the acceptance of their papers after the screening process.

  • Conference Presentation: The IBIS 2024 Research Conference, where authors may present their papers, is scheduled for November 22nd, 2024. Authors invited to present will be contacted in advance.


  • Access to synchronous (online) paper sessions, panels and keynotes 
  • Online access to peer-reviewed paper proceedings, author-videos, discussion threads and more.
  • Countless opportunities of advancing global research streams and re-connecting with colleagues.
  • Full access to digital platforms in VCS including Zoom sessions, Zoom webinar, intense debate and more.

Registration link.

Submissions for Authors


  • Papers should be submitted as a “.pdf” file.
  • All papers must be submitted to
  • Please put”IBIS2024 Call for Papers” in the subject line.
  • All paper submissions need to strictly follow the submissions  template
  • Any submission that violates the above guidelines will be eliminated from the review process.
  • Maximum Length of Papers: The maximum number of pages for IBIS conference papers is 12 pages including references

Acceptance of Proposals

By 30h of August 2024, the Committee will make a decision on all proposals. The number of accepted proposals might be limited. The Committee will contact authors regarding their proposals.

Monitoring Progress

A Committee member will be assigned to work with each author to monitor the paper’s progress and provide general guidance in completing the paper within the specified timelines. Interim drafts, based on a schedule proposed by the author, may be requested.

Each author needs to register to the conference and present the research paper.


English is the language of the conference and of all submissions. We recommend engaging a proofreader should authors be concerned about the quality of the paper’s English language.


Submissions to IBIS must be original; Submissions must not be concurrently under consideration for publication or presentation elsewhere. If your paper has previously been published as a working paper or a pre-print, you will be asked to describe this as part of the submission process.

Anonymize Completed Research Papers 

Authors name(s) should not appear in the body of the paper (including the abstract). Please note that if your paper reveals author names anywhere, they will be desk rejected outright without any further review.

Eliminate references to your institutions, your sponsors, your unpublished work and your published work if these references will identify any author.

“Acknowledgements” section should be left blank until the final version is prepared for the proceedings.

Copyright Note

For all papers accepted at IBIS, authors retain copyrights. However, by submitting a paper, authors agree that IBIS and GBIS journal can publish and reproduce any accepted papers in the IBIS Proceedings in the format of  IBIS choosing (CDs, e-Library, and printed proceedings) under an established ISBN number for GBIS.

Research papers accepted and presented in interactive conference track sessions (or posters), will be published in the IBIS conference proceedings.

Submission Guidelines

Papers must be no more than 4,500 words (approx. 15 pages) and should be prepared in accordance with the IBIS Research Paper Template and Harvard Citations Style, and the procedures in the SSBM E-Proceeding on the SSBM Web Site. Additional guidance for the preparation of technical papers for publication is provided in the Guides for the Submission of Papers on the SSBM Web Site. Authors will be required to execute a “Permission to Publish” form, which formally grants the SSBM permission to publish the paper. Authors are encouraged to submit working templates in spreadsheet form for models or methods discussed or developed in their papers and/or PowerPoint presentations incorporating the details of the paper’s calculations. The spreadsheets and presentations will be posted on the SSBM Web Site along with the paper.

It is hoped that the authors will also submit their papers for publication in GBIS (Global Journal of Business and Integral Security) in accordance with its submission procedures. However, acceptance of a paper for this call does not guarantee its acceptance for publication in GBIS.

The Committee looks forward to receiving proposals in response to the call and is happy to respond to inquiries from interested parties. Questions may be addressed to Committee/Chairperson via e-mail at Your participation in this effort to produce new papers will contribute to the written body of knowledge for the SSBM and to the success of the IBIS 2024 Call Paper Program.


Topics for the conference:

  • Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability:
    • Mitigation strategies
    • Adaptation measures
    • Renewable energy solutions
    • Conservation and biodiversity
  • Global Health and Pandemics:
    • Disease prevention and control
    • Access to healthcare
    • Vaccine distribution and development
    • Public health infrastructure
  • Poverty Alleviation and Economic Development:
    • Inclusive economic growth
    • Financial inclusion
    • Social safety nets
    • Sustainable livelihoods
  • Education and Human Capital:
    • Access to quality education
    • Skills development
    • Digital literacy
    • Gender equality in education
  • Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding:
    • Diplomacy and mediation
    • Post-conflict reconstruction
    • Human rights protection
    • Disarmament and non-proliferation
  • Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development:
    • Digital transformation
    • Artificial intelligence and ethics
    • Blockchain for development
    • Green technologies
  • Governance and Political Stability:
    • Rule of law
    • Democratic governance
    • Corruption and transparency
    • Accountability and human rights
  • Food Security and Agriculture:
    • Sustainable agriculture practices
    • Food distribution systems
    • Climate-resilient crops
    • Nutrition and food access
  • Migration and Refugees:
    • Refugee protection and integration
    • Migration policies
    • Humanitarian assistance
    • Addressing root causes of migration
  • Ethical Issues in Science and Technology:
  • Privacy and data security
  • Ethical AI and robotics
  • Bioethics and genetic engineering
  • Dual-use technologies

Conference Proceedings

Conference proceedings

  • Conference proceedings will be published at GBIS – Global Journal of Business and Integral Security as “conference paper”

Journal Publications

Extended versions of the best papers will be selected to be published as journal papers in the  GBIS – Global Journal of Business and Integral Security


You can reach out to us for any question you may have at



dr. Anna Provodnikova

Her research focuses on strategic management, mostly on finding innovative solutions to the problems that plague today’s organizations. 

SSBM Geneva

dr. Minja Bolesnikov

Minja is an author of several science/academic papers. His professional specialties cover development of new business models, restructuring to profitability, corporatization, development of sales platforms, client service development, lobbying and advocacy.

SSBM Geneva

dr. Mario Silic

Has over 20 years of professional experience in various senior management positions. Expert in various areas such as Cybersecurity, Machine Learning/AI applied to the business context, Data Analytics and Decision Making, Programming, Project Management, Innovation Management, Web server, etc. His google scholar profile can be found here.

SSBM Geneva



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IBIS conference is a platform for exploring, developing and evaluating ideas drawn from a wide range of cultural, economic, social and organizational perspectives. We encourage all participants to take an active role in the research process, both as contributors and consumers.

Conference Objectives

  • To provide an inclusive platform fostering an active community of researchers collaborating on issues of social significance and societal concern
  • To provide an open and accessible platform for sharing knowledge and creative contributions to the research agenda across various subject matter and discipline areas.

Conference Themes

IBIS adopts a broad thematic orientation. We encourage papers adopting empirical, experimental and theoretical perspectives from researchers and practitioners. We are particularly interested in (but not exclusively committed to) all areas that deal with business and managerial challenges in the organizational context.


IBIS objective is to offer both synchronous and asynchronous sessions, using a platform that facilitates multiple opportunities for engagement and networking.