Industry Experts as Leaders of the AUTO@2030 Adria Convention
If you are wondering what the future of electric vehicles is, what awaits us in the digitalization of the automotive industry and what megatrends are emerging – all these questions, along with many other interesting insights, were covered by the largest regional convention in the automotive industry in 2021 in Zagreb City Plaza, “AUTO@2030” organized by Swiss School of Business and Management Geneva.
The AUTO@2030 convention was aimed at car manufacturers, importers and car dealership networks, as well as financial institutions and car rental companies and many other car enthusiasts. Hence, the convention was aimed at everyone interested in the latest emerging trends as well as those who want to understand the changes that are influencing the rapidly chaining automotive industry. Therefore, SSBM Geneva organized the event in a hybrid format, which allowed participants to watch the convention both online and offline.
Damir Gavran, AUTO@2030 convention leader and MBA lecturer at SSBM Geneva
One of our lecturers Damir Gavran, who is one of the renowned top experts in the automotive industry with vast international experience in the implementation of innovation and digitalization in the industry was the main leader of the AUTO@2030 Adria convention. He is the main lecturer of Digital Transformation at SSBM Geneva in the MBA program where he implements numerous examples from the automotive industry. Therefore, students have the opportunity to learn from one of the best experts with practical examples, especially how digital transformation and innovation is transforming the automotive industry as well as the megatrends that are changing the industry in years to come. Alongside our lecturer and automotive expert Damir Gavran, our Dean of the Geneva campus Ivana Nobilo supported the whole AUTO@2030 convention with her expertise in the field.
Stay tuned for the MBA in Automotive Industry and learn from the best industry experts.