From DBA to Visionary Leadership: SSBM Graduate Dr. Kate Barker’s Journey of Innovation and Influence!

Blog > From DBA to Visionary Leadership: SSBM Graduate Dr. Kate Barker’s Journey of Innovation and Influence!

We’re excited to introduce you to Dr. Kate Barker, a distinguished graduate of our Online DBA Dissertation Track program. With a career spanning over three decades, Dr. Barker has made a significant impact as an Executive Strategic Advisor, Chief Futurist at NEOM, and a Global Keynote Speaker and Masterclass Leader. Her journey through the DBA program has not only enriched her understanding of leadership and digital transformation but also equipped her with invaluable insights into navigating the evolving landscape of work and technology.

What motivated you to pursue the DBA program at SSBM Geneva?

After spending over three decades advising Fortune 500 companies and governments worldwide, I recognized the need to evolve alongside the rapid advancements in GenAI and digital transformation. The world is shifting at an unprecedented pace, and leaders need to stay ahead by anticipating future trends, particularly in areas like GenAI, leadership, and the future of work. I chose the DBA program at SSBM Geneva because it uniquely blends academic excellence with real-world relevance. I wanted to deepen my understanding, not just of the technology but of the human dynamics that are crucial to leading in this new era. SSBM’s program allowed me to explore the intersection of leadership, GenAI, and trust—key elements that continue to define my work with global executives, royalty, and governmental bodies. It was about much more than just academic pursuit—it was about shaping the future of leadership itself.

Student Testimonial Kate Barker

How has your research on ‘Navigating the Future of Work: The Impact of GenAI on Organisational Trust’ influenced your understanding of the evolving workplace dynamics?

My research was an eye-opener, revealing how GenAI, while a remarkable tool for innovation, brings significant challenges to organizational trust. In today’s world, trust is the currency that sustains successful organizations. As GenAI becomes more integrated into daily operations, it’s crucial for leaders to foster a culture where transparency and ethical practices guide its use. I surveyed 100’s of Leaders and conducted deep-dive case studies interviewing Leaders and analysing business practices from 4 global organisations in the Finance, Consulting, Pharmaceutical and Manufacturing sector, all industries heavily impacted by GenAI. My findings underscored the importance of building a balanced approach—where GenAI supports human roles without diminishing the value of human intuition, creativity, and leadership. This understanding has been pivotal in my work with NEOM, where we are not just implementing GenAI but reimagining how humans and technology coexist to build a sustainable, future-forward society. My research has elevated my insights to advise Leaders how to best harness GenAI’s potential while maintaining a strong foundation of trust and human connection.

What are some of the most significant challenges you’ve faced in your role at NEOM, and how has your DBA training helped you address them?

At NEOM, the challenges are both inspiring and complex. We are essentially building a city of the future, where technology, sustainability, and human-centric design come together to create a new paradigm for living. One of the greatest challenges has been ensuring that GenAI and automation do not overshadow the human element. By applying the principles of Leadership impact on GenAI and the principles of trust and transparency, which I studied in my DBA, I have been able to guide NEOM’s leadership in creating policies that ensure GenAI enhances rather than replaces human capability. This involves Leaders facilitating an active role in fostering a culture of continuous learning, collaborative practices with customers and employees to ensure ethical GenAI implementation and ensuring that the workforce remains skilled and engaged to adapt to changes in skills with shifting business models. My DBA studies have provided me with a strategic lens through which I can navigate these monumental challenges, ensuring that NEOM’s ambitious vision is grounded in both technological innovation and human-centric leadership.

As a Global Keynote Speaker, Executive Advisor and Masterclass Leader, how do you incorporate the insights and knowledge gained from your DBA studies into your presentations and teachings?

The insights I’ve gained from my DBA studies have elevated my ability to engage with leaders at the highest level with the most current research. When I speak on global platforms, whether it’s addressing executives of Fortune 500 companies or on stage speaking to 15,000 people, the depth of my research allows me to bring forward both data-driven insights and practical strategies. I speak not only from 30-years of experience but from a place of academic and intellectual authority. I often share the findings from my research on GenAI’s impact on trust, offering leaders tools to foster greater transparency and trust within their organizations as they embrace digital transformation. My DBA has provided me with a comprehensive framework to speak confidently on the future of work, GenAI, and leadership in a way that empowers leaders to think critically about their own strategies.

What advice would you give to current DBA students or recent graduates who aspire to reach leadership positions in their fields?

My advice is to view your DBA not as the end goal, but as the beginning of an even more impactful journey. Use this time to push the boundaries of conventional thinking and let your research guide you towards solutions that address the real-world challenges facing industries today. Build a network of global thinkers, engage with cross-industry leaders, and always align your research with practical application. Your DBA will not only provide you with a robust academic foundation but also position you as a thought leader in your field. Stay curious, stay adaptable, and above all, remain committed to using your insights to drive meaningful change in your organization and beyond. Leadership in the GenAI era requires a unique blend of expertise, vision, and agility—qualities that your DBA will help you cultivate.

Dr. Kate Barker’s experience underscores the transformative power of advanced education in shaping the future of leadership and innovation. Her DBA studies at SSBM Geneva have been instrumental in refining her approach to integrating GenAI and fostering organizational trust. As she continues to influence global leaders and shape the future of work, Kate exemplifies the profound impact that a commitment to learning and adaptation can have in a rapidly changing world. For current and aspiring DBA students, Dr. Barker’s journey serves as a powerful reminder of the possibilities that lie ahead and the importance of harnessing knowledge to drive meaningful change.