First Class of AI Adopter in Business Diploma immersed Business Professionals in AI Fundamentals!

NEWS > First Class of AI Adopter in Business Diploma immersed Business Professionals in AI Fundamentals!

The first class of the AI Adopter in Business Diploma commenced yesterday, led by Professor Aco Momcilovic, EMBA, President of the Global AI Ethics Institute.

Interactive Learning Experience:

Professor Momcilovic guided participants through a dynamic session, covering essential AI principles and delving into real-world scenarios where AI is revolutionizing industries.

Mastering AI in Upcoming Sessions:

With seven more lectures ahead, the diploma participants are poised to explore advanced AI concepts and strategies. The program promises to equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence.

Participants express confidence in mastering AI principles, viewing the diploma as a crucial step in advancing their careers. Stay tuned as we follow the journey of these professionals delving deeper into the realms of artificial intelligence.