Hello from SSBM Geneva, Zagreb campus! Our latest Digital Gatekeepers class which is an elective course for the Global/Executive MBA Program, was a hit with our students, thanks to the incredible teaching of Professor Martina Dragičević. This course has been a whirlwind exploration of the dynamic relationship between technology and governance, and the last class promises to be the grand finale that ties it all together.
A Snapshot of the Course Digital Gatekeepers
“Digital Gatekeepers” is not your typical class. It’s a unique blend of lectures that provide an overview of cutting-edge technologies and their intersection with EU regulations and case law. The course equips students with the tools to understand the ever-evolving landscape of technology and the legal frameworks that guide it.

Students got more insights in the blockchain and crypto paradigm, cloud and edge computing AI, advanced A1, neuro networks, metaverse, digital platforms and digitals services and so called gatekeepers that are subject to the EU ex ante and ex post regulation.

It’s not just about finding solutions but also about asking the right questions and critically evaluating the path forward. The last class is not an ending but a new beginning, as students venture forth armed with the tools and insights to navigate the complex world of emerging technologies and regulations.