Leading Digital Transformation

Executive Education > Executive Education Programs > Leading Digital Transformation

Leading Digital Transformation

At a time when all companies, regardless of their sector and location, are facing new business model challenges, the “Leading the Digital Transformation” module provides participants with the keys to understand, define and pilot the implementation of the necessary changes.

Built around the latest developments in business models, new technologies and based on numerous concrete cases and other feedback from the teacher, this module combines managerial lessons, information technology and more detailed knowledge of the multiple issues and challenges of digital. The teaching is built in a transversal way in order to allow participants to master all the components related to digital technologies and to efficiently lead digital projects of international scope within their company.

Participants are trained to carry and invent new disruptive models and evolve organizations while managing uncertainty.

Three main blocks of skills make up the program of this module:

  • Tests are available in multiple languages with results scaled according to international or local national norms.
  • The scores and reports are generated automatically and are available immediately upon test completion, resulting in quick, cost-effective and reliable predictions about the potential and success of candidates.
  • Using Hogan Personality Inventory, Hogan Development Survey and Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory to support your decisions is a smart approach as the Hogan tests are useful, valid and reliable tools, which help you to reduce costs and make the hiring and development processes lean and fast.

Blended: pre-program digital content available for self pace learning prior to the training, 3 days residential, online weekly & chat sessions, 90 min online follow up session + training in the format of a 1 month agile sprint

  • Blended: Ask for a quote today!
  • 3 to 6 participants per session
  • options to be added according to client needs (coaching, business consulting etc.)
  • *** Group discount available