
Luxury Marketing by Fabien Lacroix

Luxury Marketing Webinar by Fabien Lacroix Wealth trends are constantly changing. While using a standard luxury product marketing strategy for every consumer may generate sales, by fine-tuning your approach you can get more business from the luxury consumer who becomes a loyal customer. What is Luxury Marketing? Luxury marketing is the business of promoting and […]

Does Diversity & Inclusion Impact Organisational Excellence by Dr. Lakshmi

Topic: Does Diversity & Inclusion impact Organisational excellence, Dr Lakshmi Description: This interesting webinar is intended to tackle an interest and awareness on basic tenets of Diversity & Inclusion and how it impacts organisations, by following several segments: Need for D&I Dimensions of D&I Impact of D&I Barriers and how to foster inclusion

Ethical issues in the context of research? by Anna Provodnikova, PhD

Ethical issues in the context of research by Anna Provodnikova, PhD Webinar will answer to questions: What to consider when conducting research involving humans? What are the necessary steps to get an approval? How to design an informed consent?