
FM and FSA Course Webinar

Webinar description: The webinar will help students to well understand all steps and process to do the Final Global case assignment for courses Financial Management and Financial Statement Analyses and Company valuation on MBA. Prof Silic will answer to students questions for Global case study in excel and questions related to the excel case studies […]

How to Become a successful DBA Student

Webinar description: The webinar is devoted to methods and tools for completing Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Thesis. The main objective of the webinar is analyzing the synthesis between details in the use of methods and soundness and intelligibility in handling those methods with special adaptations for the specific case of the DBA. The objectives […]

FM and FSA Course Webinar

Webinar description: The webinar will help students to well understand all steps and process to do the Final Global case assignment for courses Financial Management and Financial Statement Analyses and Company valuation on MBA. Prof Silic will answer to students questions for Global case study in excel and questions related to the excel case studies […]

Introduction to the DBA program

Webinar description: The webinar will provide introduction to the DBA program. Webinar lecturer: Mario Silic, PhD

DBA Tips on Concept paper

Webinar description: The webinar will provide practical tips on the concept paper process Webinar lecturer: Ivana Nobilo, PhD

FM and FSA Course Webinar

Webinar description: The webinar will help students to well understand all steps and process to do the Final Global case assignment for courses Financial Management and Financial Statement Analyses and Company valuation on MBA. Prof Silic will answer to students questions for Global case study in excel and questions related to the excel case studies […]

Academic Integrity: Avoiding Plagiarism

Webinar description: The webinar will provide important insights about academic integrity and how to avoid plagiarism Webinar lecturer: David Annan, PhD

DBA Tips on concept paper

Webinar description: The webinar will help students with the tips on writing the concept paper. Webinar lecturer: Ivana Nobilo, PhD