
ChatGPT in Education: Risks of the AI powered technology Will AI powered technology ChaptGPT kill education as we know it? Killing education is probably not something that is likely to happen but disruption that we are witnessing recently will for sure disrupt education for good. ChatGPT, power by AI technology, will disrupt education as we...
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Written by Isaac T. Gblee, DBA Student Corporate governance is a fundamental pillar for the sustainability of any State-Owned Enterprise. It identifies the processes, policies and procedures by which the organization is directed and controlled. When corporate governance policies, processes and procedures are rigorously implemented, it ensures that a State-Owned Enterprise is properly managed thereby maintaining...
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Written by Luk Pok Yin, MIPA, AFA, ACG (CS, CGP), ACS, LLM, DBA Student Although there is systematic difference between countries in legal systems for corporate governance mechanism, most of them have recently reformed their mechanism to comply with the international corporate governance code and the Anti-Money laundering measures. Hong Kong as an international financial...
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Written by Isaac Ahinsah-Wobil, MIPA, AFA, DBA Student The transformation agent to strengthen the judicious use of public funds has given wave for the introduction of Public Financial Management Reforms in Ghana. These reforms are expected to strengthen the fiscal space of the economy by giving free drive to budget implementation and economic development through...
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Written by Isaac Gblee Internal control is often said to be a set of procedures or measures put in place within an organization to prevent fraud, misuse and abuse of an organization resources. According to the COSO 2013 framework, internal controls have five integrated components namely; control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication...
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Written by Willem Alexander Coleman Sports and Development in Ghana For far too long, all we have done as a nation is to merely talk about the potential of sports and how our glory days in sports are long gone. They say money solves all problems, and so we need the finance to move our...
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Written by Jason (Tan Tai) Truong, DBA Student Enforcing Intellectual Property Rights: An Economic Perspective The economic perspective of enforcing Intellectual Property Rights. The concept of the Intellectual Property Rights is referred to the protection of the product of the intellect of the humans which are the mind creations. In this research, doctrinal methodology is...
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Written by Olivia Zajakala, DBA Student Covid-19, known as Corona Virus, that broke up in 2020, is according to Mitroff, “one of the worst crises in every sense” (Mitroff, 2020). As crisis continues, business leaders admit that they have never experienced a situation like this before (McKinsey, 2020). Unknown is always interesting to discover and...
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Written by Prof. dr. Velimir Srica Chinese word CRISIS consists of two ideograms: the first means DANGER, the second means OPPORTUNITY. Most people perceive the current pandemic as a DANGER manifesting itself in its worst forms. It causes drastic behavior change, quarantine and social isolation. It creates panic, shortages and anxiety. It at times dramatically...
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Written by dr. Mario Silic The pressures associated with the speed of competition, including the digitalization of workspaces, are increasing the need for modern organizations to drive employee satisfaction and engagement. Integrating gamification into the workplace has been identified as a possible strategy to promote employee participation, engagement, and loyalty. Gamification is defined as the...
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