Career Advancement Program

Our goal is to provide you with opportunities to advance your careers through understanding the world of business, developing job searching and decision-making skills.

Alexander Hughes

With Alexander Hughes who is an expert in job placement and development, we will help you with your CV, job placement, career advices, etc.

Personal & Career Development

Career development cannot happen without personal growth. Those two are undivided. Personal development is a continuous process of working on yourself, your abilities and qualities in order to exploit your full potential and to achieve a sense of self-realization.

SSBM Geneva’s coaches have been developing proprietary and integrated models for personal development. Whether it comes to interacting with people, leadership and management, writing, presentation skills or something else, now is the time to become the best version of yourself.

Mastering Interviews

We offer a course that will show you how to answer the most common and difficult interview questions and give examples of top quality answers that will lead you toward success.


We offer webinars that will help you grow and better see your potential.