MOU signed with Albanian University

NEWS > MOU signed with Albanian University

Swiss School of Business and Management (SSBM) and Albanian University have signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

As per of the MoU, the two schools agreed to conduct joint educational modules in particular in providing dual-degree master level programs (Master of Business Administration.

About Swiss School of Business and Management
SSBM is a global, innovative and unique school with students from all around the world. Our programs were design with over 30 industry partners. We guarantee Swiss Quality Education.

About Albanian University
Albanian University is a private, independent and secular institution of the Higher Education. Since the first year of its inception, the institution pointed at the center of academic life, the promotion of intellectual product and melting learning and research. Through presentations, research and exchange, the University directs and encourages the identification and development of projects that will once again consolidate its primary purpose, scientific development, and research toward better quality.